Design enhancement / Branding / Engagement
The Pension Forecast Tool is an interactive online product which helps users estimate possible future pension income. I was asked to look at refreshing / redesigning the existing online application.  I explored pushing the designs to create more brand engagement through the use of photography, making the graph style a little more fresh and modern, plus also creating a little more inspiring copy and headlines and finally simplifying interactions.
1. Key changes to the designs for more 'branded' experience:
• Introducing engagement via imagery for various audience types (especially younger) 
• Creating more visual impact and human aspect
• Design a clear, simplified page hierarchy enabling ‘scanning’ for 'short-attention' types
2. UI & core functionality redesign: 
• Simplifying interactions and information
• Develop the graph style so it feels more 'immediate'
• Add ideas for copy that felt more inspired (headings) and less functional (instructional)
The old Forecast Tool design
The old forecast tool was very functional, with a clean 'information design' style, yet with little brand engagement. Although I was looking at the proposed brand-led updates, I was still working on the user flow and responsive versions of this, shown below
Some example UX workings
A little of my sketching and thinking and graph possibilities and exploration
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