Project 1 - 'Instahome'
'Instahome' gives seller's of a property a way to discover how potential buyers feel and gather feedback on their home without committing to putting it on the market. It also enables buyers insight into property which may be coming to market and the opportunity to view or make an early offer.
Communicating the proposition
Mock-ups and sketches visualising the core UX concept helped to convey the unique proposition.
Sketching the user journey
After doing some research and collating reference material I started early paper sketches thinking through the steps to creating the 'story of your home'. Initially we were considering adding the information via chatbot. The decision was made to go with a more 'standard' journey.
Key screens - wireframes
Mostly I sketch and go straight into UI design, but sometimes, in cases like this where the brand style doesn't exist, it's worth visualising key screens in wireframe form to avoid getting hung up on look and feel - to just focus on the key interactions for discussion.
Brand and UI Design
As this project was all about ideas and proof-of-concept, (even the name of the product was undefined), the visual brand was really a secondary consideration. Even so, I looked at the current market and decided to work with a fresh, colour palette and style that felt bright and clean and very much on-trend. Even at this early stage the designs are accessible (AA compliant) regarding font, link and button hierarchy, sizes, conventions, 'hit' areas, labelling and colour contrast.
Project 2 - 'Property Tracker'
Purchasing a property can be daunting and our team research showed that most found the process confusing and overwhelming. The core principle of the Property tracker is that if we break the home buying process down - visualising the steps along the way - we can help customers to feel like they have a sense of control.
Again, sketching out the proposition helped to communicate the concept by having something visual to refer to in discussions.
Above, high level design concepts illustrating the typical steps and tasks involved in the purchase process. One of the key 'pain-points' that come up in research was the never-ending, confusing paper trail, streams of emails with solicitors and the time wasted waiting, or not knowing next steps. This two-way interface quickly shows via the colour-coded UI, flags or notifications what is needed and who is waiting for who to address.
I designed all the UX / UI concepts for these scenarios, including a solicitors desktop interface and how the UI would differ and handle multiple clients.
Project 3 - 'Round-up Saver'
A modern, digital twist on the traditional 'piggy-bank', the Round-up Saver concept was aimed at younger audiences who were saving for a deposit for their first home. By syncing with your bank account and rounding up and saving the difference (to the nearest pound) on purchases, you make progress towards your savings goal with very little effort.
Again, in this project I sketched to illustrate the core UX of the product and designed out several mobile UI screens to further illustrate typical user scenarios.